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Reha Erzurumlu - cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying axon-target interactions and patterning of synaptic connections in mammalian sensory pathways...

Kevin Fox and associates - Experience-dependent plasticity in barrel cortex...

Miguel Nicolelis - electrophysiological techniques for carrying out long-term simultaneous recordings of the extracellular activity of up to 128 single neurons distributed across multiple levels of somatosensory and motor pathways in behaving animals...

The Simons' Lab

Ed White - Development of synaptic patterns in cerebral cortex; electron microscopic 3-D reconstruction

Tom Woolsey - BARREL WEB! Somatosensory barrels of the rodent central nervous system are used by neuroscientists to study sensory function and development...

The Neuroprosthesis Research Organization is a privately funded non-profit organization dedicated to providing science news information and advice to individuals with chronic electrode implants in their brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system and/or muscles. We raise funds for visual, auditory and sensorimotor neuroprosthesis, sensorimotor substitution, human brain- computer interaction and healthcare oriented biomorphic robotics related research. Many of our visitors are scientists, students, writers, journalists, artists, who are interested in neural prosthesis research. Our goal in the long term is to strive towards developing biomorphic external control of robotic devices and/or functional electrical stimulation while requiring the minimum possible in terms of invasive implants to obtain neural intention signals for artificial motor control. 

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last updated 12/19/01