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Lab Photo Gallery


Former graduate student David Pinto surprises even himself by collaring a (mostly) willing bride.  Here he reacts to a bridal body shot that ensued after an unfortunate wisecrack. Ow!
For more photos from Dave's wedding (July, 2002), click here.

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lab1.gif (33569 bytes) Harold Kyriazi (with hair longer than usual) and Simona Temereanca (with face longer than usual), looking through a Unix manual
lab2.gif (47440 bytes) Don Doherty shows Jed Hartings how his plane came in for a smooth landing, or, Don telling Jed how thick that sandwich was he had for lunch, or...?
lab3.gif (83703 bytes) Kathy Kelly and George Carvell try to figure out which wires goes where...
lab4.gif (48334 bytes) Harold and Simona, still fascinated by that Unix manual.
group.JPG (20701 bytes) Part of the Simons Gang, circa 1998 (from left: Harold Kyriazi, Tom Prigg, Dan Simons, Don Doherty, George Carvell, Kathy Kelly, Jed Hartings, Dan Goldreich)

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Jed Hartings and an unidentified Llama share a tender moment at a Peruvian petting zoo (summer, 2000).

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From Jed's Travelogue -- Roasted guinea pig for sale at village market in Peru.  Yum!

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From Jed's Travelogue -- a wholly Holy Peruvian Pig!

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Tom Prigg at the top of Pittsburgh's Mount Washington, on his way to work, during a typical winter snowfall.   No, just kidding.  This Mt. Washington is in New Hampshire, with a summit height of 6288 feet.

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2003 summer student, and Princeton undergraduate, Dave Matthews, discusses findings with Dan.  Dave's project involved looking at the effects of blood pressure changes on signal transduction in the whisker follicle, as seen in trigeminal ganglion neuron responses.

  For more photos of current and former lab personnel, check out the photo gallery on the Barrels website.